.. _environment_setup: Environment Setup ==================================== PYTHONUNBUFFERED Always "1". Sends logs and print statements directly to the console. DJANGO_PORT Port that Django will use to listen for incoming requests. Should generally not be changed from 8002. HOSTNAME The root url that this instance of Django will run at. Using `ngrok `_ is suggested. DATABASE_URL URL of the database (as specified here: https://github.com/kenneth-reitz/dj-database-url) on which to store Megatron data. Don't use the same database as another Django app. REDIS_URL Megatron uses celery to queue tasks through redis. CHANNEL_PREFIX The prefix for channels that Megatron creates to talk to users. MEGATRON_VERIFICATION_TOKEN Verification token sent with Slack requests. Get from your Megatron Slack app if needed. MEGATRON_APP_MODE ``megatron-dev`` for development environments. ``megatron-production`` for production. **We're using S3 as a stopover here but this can be done through Slack as well. Great spot for a PR.** S3_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key for your AWS instance. Megatron uses AWS S3 to store images it passes from one messaging workspace to another. S3_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Ditto but this one's secret. AWS_S3_BUCKET Name of the bucket to store images that Megatron processes