App CommandsΒΆ

Megatron will occasionally send commands to your app. Your app will need to take action and send an http response when it receives one of these commands.

The url for a megatron command is configured on MegatronUser.command_url.

The command payload is an http request with a JSON body. The payload looks like this:

        'command': 'command-name',
        'user_id': 'U12345',
        'megatron_verification_token': 'sometoken'

The possible commands are:


Expected action: Mark the user_id user as paused/unpaused.

Expected response: 200


Expected action: Clear any relevant context from the included user_id.

Expected response: 200


Expected action: Return a list of platform users based on a fuzzy match of the included username.

Expected response: 200 with JSON body:

        "users": [
                        "username": {username},
                        "platform_user_id": {platform_user_id},
                        "platform_team_id": {platform_team_id}

Expected action: Respond with updated platform credentials.

Expected response: 200 with JSON body:

        "ok": True,
        "data": {
                "name": {platform team name},
                "domain" {platform domain name},
                "connection_token": {platform connection token}